3 Wishes of a CIO

With changing technology landscape, dynamic business environments and shrinking budgets, role of the CIO is becoming challenging. Responsible to meet the expectations of Internal Business users, Technology vendors, Annual Maintenance contracts and License usage compliance role is becoming more critical.
What would be the CIO wish list?
Make my Licensing Simple: Licensing policies and guide lines are ever changing, with the new technologies like virtualization, shared infrastructure, the relevance of Authorized Users, Named Users, Concurrent users; Processor based i.e. becoming more complex. Different vendors like Operating systems, Databases, Application servers, Middle Ware, Business application stacks, Integration platforms, high availability, DR coming up with their own definitions making things more complex.
Can all vendors come up with a uniform licensing policy, as simple as ordering a pizza or coffee like small, medium, and large?
Pay per Use AMC for Technology: Every vendor comes up with own AMC or Annual subscription process with an average cost of 15% to 25%. Enterprise customers end up paying AMC with a fear of losing access to upgrades or worry of reinstatement. With the existing limitations of incompatibilities and forward compatibility of new versions among the vendors, inability of echo systems to make the releases on the newer versions quickly and cost of upgrade most of the enterprises remain on older versions in spite of regular on AMC payments. ROI on AMC investment is very little.
Can all technology vendors come up with a rational approach of Pay per use AMC model rather than mandatory fixed % payments which are not justifying the ROI on AMC investments?
Open Integration Policy: With so many best of breed applications and lot of custom requirements from Business user, it is becoming more though to meet the dynamic needs of business. Application landscape is becoming more complex and more and more interrogations are required with external applications. With the protective policies of major vendors, there is no clarity on how to interpret the users accessing the pointed applications which are interfaced with other applications. Every vendor comes up with own licensing and some vendors are licensing the interfaces/Middle ware with their own proprietary methods. This is against the open standards and enterprises losing the flexibility and cost effectiveness.
Can all vendors make the middle ware licensing and interfaces simplified and make the third party applications integration open for all?
The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not reflect the views of the organization he is connected with.
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