Why implementing EAM/CMMS solutions is a challenge

EAM (enterprise asset management) CMMS (computerized maintenance management solutions) or PM (Plant maintenance management) solutions are solutions deployed to track asset life cycle or performance and up time of the assets available for production operations of an enterprise. They may be equipment, facilities, fleet, large production complexes to simple production lines with multiple work centres.
Typical enterprise succeed in automating their business functions like finance, sales Procurement, supply chain, inventory and production but finds difficult to roll out EAM /PM solutions. Most common problem is the supporting data required for EAM / PM roll out is very high compared to other business functions. Minimum requirement is to have proper equipment data mapped to functional locations with minimum hierarchy, with spares data, along with time/ meter based preventive schedules. Good quality job cards for each task linked with spares, tools for equipment for various mailing tasks is also must.
If Maintenance team is undermanned, with too little data on hand find it difficult to provide this info during the roll out, find it a major challenges post important phase. To implement best maintenance practices like RCM ( Reliability Centre Maintenance) Predictive Maintenance requires more deeper information on traceability of materials, methods, skills and tools along with condition monitoring and asset type failure codes is essential else team cannot get best out of investment.
It is much easier to roll out a green field project, when older plants implementing solution the amount of data required is huge. This requires are well coordinate effort among the stake holders to make the roll out a success. Some of the ERP systems more transaction oriented do not provide industry friendly user interface for maintenance users is also one of the reasons for failure.
Each industry comes with own coding standards like Power Generation (KSK) Shipping (SFI) Oil and Gas (Shell) other industries regular standards like ASME make more complicated for systems implementation. With various industry specific standards practices and compliance generic approach hardly gives required outcome.
Keeping in view of the challenges, collective effort of all stakeholders IT, business users, maintenance team and vendors need to take a collaborative model with flexible time lines and multi-phase approach to mature the automation for EAM to the desired levels.
**The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not reflect the view of the organization he is connected with.
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