Can all port operations and transactions, will be captured with no revenue leakage

Table of Content
1. Introduction
2. Importance of CTOS ?
3. Why Envision (iPortman) CTOS
Recently, vessels are becoming more large-scale and high-speed because of the increasing quantity of cargo transported. Shippers requirements for lower transportation fee and shipping companies effort toward retrenchment of transport cost per shipping unit. Furthermore, shipping companies has become more interested in maximizing vessel turnover by minimizing the length of staying time at ports for economic reasons. These situation forces the rival terminal companies to develop into the latest technology of loading and unloading, and looking forward to renovate their terminal facilities to reduce the length of staying time of vessels at their terminals.
The efficient operation of terminals is another very important factor for improving the competitive status and productivity in the fierce competitive environment between container terminals. However, the investment in software systems for the efficient operation of a terminal and its standardization has been relatively neglected compared with the large investment in the expansion of terminal facilities and infra-structure.
Container terminal operating system is necessary and should be prepared for the efficient operation of the container terminals and to raise service levels for the customers of container terminals. Computerized container terminal operating systems have functions and roles as follows :
(1) Manage the flow of containers through a terminal by relocating the containers at right places in the most efficient manner.
(2) Plan loading/unloading schedule and yard transfer operation by receiving information from shipping companies, describing position of containers on vessel coming into the port and which one need to be taken off at the terminal.
(3) Process the containers transported into the terminal by rail or road, receiving notification from shipping and trucking companies about them.
(4) Notify shipping and trucking companies about the locations of containers.
Container terminals are the platforms that carry out the containerized cargo operations such as loading, unloading, shifting from one modality to another etc. Size of the yard, Maritime, Road, Rail connectivity and Equipment are some of the main factors that determines the efficiency of the port. Apart from all these parameters, the operating system is the intangible factor that maintains the smooth and steady flow of container operations.
A container terminal is a pivot of maritime and land logistics that links all the logistic companies. Therefore, the compatibility and standardization of business process is the main issue of the future container terminal operating system.
Importance of CTOS ?
The terminal operators are focusing on peak productivity and efficiency. The main objective of CTOS is, to provide a set of computerized procedures to manage containerized cargo, machines, and people within the facility to enable seamless, efficient and effective management of the facility. The software system handles the container handling assets such as ship-to-shore cranes, straddle carriers, reach stackers, mobile harbor cranes, RMGs, RTGs, trucks and other gears. Besides managing the container handling equipment, CTOS is the adaptable platform for integrating seamless third-party ERP systems. Below are the key benefits of implementing Container Terminal Operating System(CTOS).
- Vessel Turnaround time will be reduced.
- Revenue maximization
- Lower operational expenditure
- Deployment of optimized planning and equipment
- Capturing all billable activities
When the turnaround time and dwell time is lessened more port calls can be achieved which maximizes the productivity of the port. By using a cutting edge CTOS, the entity can diminish the time and integrate all activities which is in lined with the cargo operation effectively. It results lowering of the operational expenditure and boosting the revenue. Catching of all activities which are invoiceable will provide path to inflow of revenue and statistics of the operational data.
Why Envision (iPortman) CTOS?
Envision believes in not just meeting the operational and functional needs of the CTOS, but also it has been strategically planning to serve the future needs of the port with a special focus on applying latest technical trends, integration with ERPs like SAP etc. Following are key advantages for which a port should choose iPortman CTOS developed by Envision.
• Works in separate modules and covers entire functionality of the terminal
• Boosts port business by supporting all Container & Cargo types(Import & Export).
• One stop solution for all port operations
• Mobility application for all field operations to bring the data real-time into system and helps operations to reduce the back-office activities
• Improves the transparency, customer satisfaction and collaboration through customer portal
• Facilitates quick turnarounds of the vessels and high throughput
• Captures all operations and transactions, ensures no revenue leakage
• Meticulous planning and optimization of the port resources
• Dedicated portal for customers, vendors and other stakeholders.
Generating reports for respective functionality is an important frame work for a port functionality. iPortman CTOS deal with report for important sections such as damage reports, gate reports, cargo operation reports etc.
Contact us today to explore how iPortman CTOS revolutionize your Port operations.
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