Extending Enterprise to Mobile

With the increased use of Tablets smart mobile devices and organization pushing towards BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) it is the time for extending the Enterprise applications to Mobile/Tablet.
Most widely used application is Email which does not find much challenge in deployment. However the other application is yet to take off, most of the organizations are at cross roads.
Solutions are not as simple as it looks. Enterprise should understand the various options, challenges, total cost of ownership and complexity in environment involved. Most important is Device Identity Management inside the organization network, it is validating the identity of the device and user and protecting the organization from sensitive information leak. Next comes the data protection, how to handle the date wipe/ Auto delete/ encryption of enterprise sensitive data in case of theft or stolen Devices.
The biggest and most complex challenge is how to evolve the Mobility strategy, with many applications around extending CRM, Field sales, Field service, ERP, HR and other functions, should you go for many mobile applications from many vendors talking to many Enterprise applications inside the organization or should you invest on a single Mobile Environment which acts as gateway for entire enterprise applications and Mobile Users. As many organizations are just catching up the bandwagon they may take the discrete application approach before they realize the challenges involved and consolidate their enterprise mobility strategy.
Last but not the least on Mobile environments Apple, Android, Black berry, Symbian or Windows. As enterprise is mix of various level of users, you can’t afford to limit options, may need to prepare to live with all. As most of the Ruggedized Hand Held devices are still with Windows, it is essentials to have Windows if enterprise needs a field service, sales and reporting functions. Most of the senior management with Black berry, Middle and executive team with Apple and android. It is the time for large enterprises to evolve a unified enterprise mobility strategy before their discrete mobility applications make the environment complex to manage and deploy.
Filed under: Enterprise, Mobility, Software
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