
January 27, 2023

How Operations and Management Optimization Solutions enhance Metro Urban and Metropolitan Transit Mangement system?

A image with metro along with logo

Table of content

1. Introduction

2. Operational Analytics

3. Maintenance Analytics

4. Advanced Analytics Modelling and RCA (root cause analysis)

The metro rail operations and management will be successful by providing last-mile connectivity, like the route-buses or water ferries/boats are critical part of any Metropolitan or Urban Transit Systems, for an efficient management, where Asset Management System (AMS), Crew Management System (CMS), Health-Safety-Environment System (HSE)  are the major components

Industry-specific asset maintenance management systems and crew management systems are vital for sustained mobility, these systems provide a seamless roistering for the successful running of rail services to avoid disruptions leading to commuting inconvenience. To support and sustain the scalability of the urban/metropolitan transit systems like, supporting more metro depots/yards, more metro lanes/routes/, more metro stations/terminals/stops, more metro trains/buses/ for meeting the demands of the growing rapid rise of metro travelers, the core metro solution offerings of CMS and AMS are enhanced further by best applying:

As part of the automation, element in metro transit management operations, the various dimensions such as Time (reduced overall cycle times with delay removals), Visibility (effectively monitor and control), Utilization (optimized resource utilizations), Cost (reduced operations cost), Risk (better accountability and reduced risks), Carbon footprint (reduced energy wastage) etc, are tracked in respective metro O&M KPIs monitored 

The analytics driven optimized O&M features for handling diverse assets in metro transit management operations involve respective key items of operational, maintenance and Advanced analytics modelling which includes:

Operational Analytics

  • Predict number of commuters on certain day, week, month
  • Analyze commuter behavior for planning and Utilization of Fleets by routes, time schedules, measuring Profitability and Service level Analysis
  • Demand forecasting number of passengers by routes, weeks, days and seasons
  • Will help utilization of trains and dynamic planning based of change in demand
  • Better scheduling of fleets based on accurate demand, availability, and utilization (Profitability vs Service Level)
  • Revenue forecasting analytics by each transaction type at stations and system level

Maintenance Analytics

  • Identifying trends for O&M parameters
  • Identify trends for asset and resource performance
  • Measure and model params to eliminate manual interventions
  • Actions for faster restoration of services or adapt to changed service demand
  • Failure analysis and root cause analysis by components & its subcomponents using KPI’s like repair or replace time
  • Defect/failure analysis-diagnosing which parts are more likely to fail based on its historical, sensor data available
  • Asset health score, MTBF, MTTR, MTTF, Time to fail, survival analysis, failure distribution- Reliability analysis
  • Predictive analytics and anomaly detection on critical components to identify failure trends and emerging issues in advance
  • Issues root cause analysis
  • Realtime monitoring and early warnings AI, ML, Sensors, tracing degradations and early detections of failures
  • Alarms and Events correlation and analysis to identify health of system
  • Spare Parts Analysis

Advanced Analytics Modelling and RCA (root cause analysis)

  • Predictive modelling, Anomaly Detection using ML, Analytics driven root cause and investigation for critical systems from Rolling Stocks, SCADA, BMS, AFC, OHE and PSI SCADA and Signalling
  • Forecasting modelling for various KPI’s including footfall, revenue, transactions etc. by Day of the Week, Week and Month
  • Text Analytics on passenger grievances collected digitally
  • GraphDB based network analysis
  • GIS visualization and Spatial analysis analytics
Envision provides Integrated Digital Automation and Data-Driven O&M, Decision Support Solution spanning Enterprise Asset Management, Operations and Maintenance, Analytics best supports the above four solution offering elements.

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