Work-life balance - A Story of a Story Teller

At Envision, we believe that if we are happy with our personal life, we can be productive and grow in our professional life. When you are at your workplace you have a role to perform and a commitment to the organization.
Meet our consultant Abhijith Ram who found a perfect work-life balance. Every weekend he narrates beautiful stories musically along with his band called “Koffee Kahaani”. He pursues his passion and keeps himself motivated at the workplace. We are proud of our diverse culture and happy employees like Abhijith who can maintain a perfect work-life balance.
Some beautiful lines he said in one of his shows:
“Self-motivation is the best push one can get to accomplish something great in their life. There is no boundary or limit to stop yourself from doing what you love to do and what you aspire to be. When I am at my workplace, I detach myself from the guy who is narrating stories on this stage and live acompletely different life so that this will be my strength rather than a distraction. This moto drives me more to work hard on weekdays and pursue my passion when I am on this stage.”

Life at Envision:
We at Envision, support such young and inspiring personalities who stand alone in the corporate world and motivate our Envisioners to maintain a perfect work-life balance. We support, motivate and understand our employees in every possible way so that we can make our workplace a happy place to be at.
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